
JMR是一家不断发展壮大的公司,为致力于终身学习并愿意在船舶维修行业努力工作的个人提供良好的职业发展机会. 本公司与驳船和拖船船东合作, 渔船, 游艇, 小船, 及商船营运商,例如TOTE, 克罗利, 和曼森, 和美国一起.S. Coast Guard and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

如果你正在寻找一份令人兴奋的工作,在获得公平的薪酬和有竞争力的福利待遇的同时,你可以提高自己的技能, 那么JMR很适合你. 向下滚动查看我们的空缺职位.

JMR offers our employees a comprehensive benefits pack年龄 that includes:

  • 健康、视力和牙科保险
  • 人寿保险(包括家属保险)
  • 短期和长期伤残保险
  • 401K退休储蓄计划
  • 法律资源与身份盗窃保护
  • 员工援助计划(EAP)
  • 带薪休假(PTO)
  • 带薪假期


We promote a work environment that is open to different perspectives, 工作经验, 生活方式, 和文化,因为它是道德的, and it also gives us a competitive edge in the marketplace. 在JMR, 我们明白,尊重差异能增强我们员工开发创新解决方案和克服障碍的能力. We also recognize that inclusion is a 状态 of being valued, respected and supported. JMR专注于每个人的需求,以确保每个人都有适当的条件来实现他们的全部潜力. Our inclusive work environment promotes and sustains a sense of belonging, 强烈的道德和伦理价值观, 尊重人才, 信仰, 以及我们所有员工的背景.

公司的政策是为所有员工和求职者提供平等的就业机会,而不考虑非法的种族因素, color, 宗教, 年龄, 性, 国家的起源, 残疾状态, 遗传学, 受保护老兵身份, 性取向, 性别认同或表达, 或者其他受联邦政府保护的特征, 州或地方法律.


  • 工作类型: 全职
  • 轮班和排班: 8小时一班
  • 地点: 佛罗里达州jdb电子夺宝市海恩斯街4100号32206


Reporting to Project Man年龄rs while on assigned projects, 通过指定的主管人员和分包商指导和协调生产工作. 在项目经理的指导下, helps establish aggressive production schedules and budgets, 并确保计划, 目标, 并且满足了要求. 通过与团队成员合作建立成功执行工作的计划来实现目标. 主管是一名经验丰富的员工,他为公司建立并提高了主管角色的标准. Given the experience and proficiency in working as a 负责人, the scope of responsibility for this role is commensurate with that of larger, 更复杂的项目. 通过渐进式训练, 发展, 和经验, 在经验丰富的项目经理的指导下,主管2可以被委托承担较小项目的项目经理职责.


  • Coordinates with craft Foreman to ensure that 材料, 工具, 信息, 人力资源, and equipment is available to support schedule and project requirements.
  • Coordinates with supervision and subcontractors to obtain optimum production, by establishing priorities and coordinating efforts between trades.
  • 协助项目经理并与指定的项目QA人员合作,确保所有所需的报告都由行业主管提交.
  • 确保没有超出合同规定的额外工作, 并有效地解释规范的模糊性.
  • 识别和处理变更工作,并帮助阐明条件发现报告的适当论点.
  • 与贸易监管机构和客户协商评估技术冲突,并提供解决建议.
  • Promotes a strong culture of 安全 in their eng年龄ment with Production teams.
  • 完成分配的其他任务.


  • 愿意弹性工作.
  • 能够在有限的指导下工作.
  • Ability to independently determine 方法 and procedures on new assignments.
  • 为他人提供指导的能力.
  • 确定适当行动的能力, 方法, 技术, 以及通过在确定的实践和政策中行使独立判断来加速结果的评估标准.
  • 能够遵循有组织的工作方法,同时认识到提供服务或产品所需的时间.
  • 阅读能力, 分析, 并翻译一般jdb电子夺宝试玩期刊, 专业期刊, 技术规程, 或者政府法规.
  • Ability to write reports, business correspondence, and procedure manuals.
  • Ability to effectively present 信息 and respond to questions from groups of man年龄rs, 客户, 客户, 以及普通大众.
  • 较强的沟通能力, 包括口语, written and interpersonal skills to effectively communicate with subordinates, 管理, 和客户.
  • Ability to work with mathematical concepts such as probability, 统计推断, and fundamentals of plane and solid geometry and trigonometry.
  • 运用分数等概念的能力, 百分比, 比率, 和实际情况的比例.
  • 能够阅读和理解图纸.
  • 有能力解决实际问题,并在只有有限的标准化存在的情况下处理各种具体变量.
  • Ability to interpret a variety of instructions furnished in written, oral, diagram, or schedule form.
  • 必须有微软办公软件的经验, and knowledge of Microsoft Project is a plus.
  • Bachelor's degree in Marine Engineering, Naval Architecture, or other engineering fields preferred.
  • 3 - 5年相关工作经验, shipyard or industrial experience and/or training; or equivalent combination of education 和经验.
  • 必须被授权才能在美国工作.
  • Must be able to gain access to military installations.
  • Must successfully pass a drug screen and background investigation.


  • 修船:5年(优先考虑)


  • 牙齿保险
  • 残障保险
  • 健康保险
  • 带薪休假
  • 工作类型: 全职
  • 轮班和排班: 8小时一班
  • 地点: 佛罗里达州jdb电子夺宝市海恩斯街4100号32206


Supervises and coordinates activities of trade workers on an assigned project.


Responsible for assigning daily tasks to trade personnel assigned to him by the foreman. 审查, 理解, 并执行日常计划,以维持生产进度,同时尽量减少对预算的影响. Analyze and resolve day to day issues including personnel conflicts, 安全问题, 质量问题, 以及物质限制. 在分配人员执行任务之前,评估关注的领域,并与人员一起审查关注的问题,以实施策略,确保符合所有技术和安全要求. 将状况报告提交给工头审阅或直接提交给项目经理/主管. 与指定人员一起进行日常安全复习,并根据任务要求维护QA文件. Attend daily on sight production meetings and report issues, concerns, and daily progress to the PM. Responsible for the recruitment, training, supervision, and evaluation of department staff. The Supervisor will also perform other duties as assigned. This position will also assure organizational compliance with all safety, 质量, 和环境, 状态, 地方和联邦法规.


成功地完成这项工作, an individual must be able to perform each essential duty satisfactorily. The requirements listed below are representative of the knowledge, skill, and/or ability required.


High School diploma or GED required with three to five years related marine, shipyard or industrial experience and/or training; or equivalent combination of education 和经验. 需要灵活的工作时间安排.

JMR为所有员工和求职者提供平等的就业机会(EEO),不分种族, color, 宗教, 性, 国家的起源, 年龄, 残疾或遗传. 除了联邦法律要求外,ECR&F在公司设有设施的每个地点遵守适用的州和地方法律,规定不歧视就业. This policy applies to all terms and conditions of employment, 包括招聘, 招聘, 放置, 促销活动, 终止, 裁员, 回忆, 转移, 休假, 薪酬和培训.


  • 牙齿保险
  • 健康保险
  • 带薪休假
  • 视觉保险
  • 工作类型: 全职
  • 地点: 希尔街1901号,jdb电子夺宝,佛罗里达州32202


负责维护, 监督, and training experienced trade personnel required to accomplish all assigned and upcoming tasks. 确保领班工艺所需的所有材料及时并按照计划要求在现场申请,以便及时有效地完成工作.


确保所需的贸易人员, 材料, and equipment is available to support all ongoing and upcoming projects. 为每项工作分配监督和贸易人员. 确定完成每项工作的技术要求所需的适当程序,并将其传达给行业主管. Responsible for the timely requisitioning of 材料 and equipment for each job. 如有需要,与项目经理和/或总监协调,确保进度要求得到满足,有关技术要求的状况报告被正确提交和定价. Assist in estimating both growth work and new work when required. Ensure supervisors are compliant with time keeping procedures. 与人力资源部协调, 安全, QA, and the Production Man年龄r to maintain all employee training and certifications. Responsible for the recruitment, training, supervision, and evaluation of department staff. The Foreman will also perform other duties as assigned. This position will also assure organizational compliance with all safety, 质量, 环境, 和国家, 地方和联邦法规.


成功地完成这项工作, an individual must be able to perform each essential duty satisfactorily. The requirements listed below are representative of the knowledge, skill, and/or ability required.


高中毕业或普通教育文凭,但有3 - 5年相关航海经验者优先, shipyard or industrial experience and/or training; or equivalent combination of education 和经验. 需要灵活的工作时间安排.

必须有微软办公软件的经验. 熟悉微软项目优先考虑.


  • 牙齿保险
  • 残障保险
  • 健康保险
  • 带薪休假
  • 工作类型: 全职
  • 轮班和排班: 周末视需要,周一至周五
  • 地点: 佛罗里达州jdb电子夺宝市海恩斯街4100号32206


Directs and coordinates production efforts of all shop including planning, 调度, 并确保所需的设备, 材料, and personnel are available to complete all assigned jobs within budget, 按时完成,不需要返工


  • 确保组织遵守所有安全规定, 质量, 和环境, 状态, 地方和联邦法规.
  • 阅读能力, 分析, 并解释一般技术程序, 和/或政府法规和要求.
  • Ability to write reports, and procedures and processes to comply with QA Policy.
  • 有能力解决实际问题,并在只有有限的标准化存在的情况下处理各种具体变量.
  • Ability to interpret a variety of instructions furnished in written, oral, diagram, or schedule form.
  • 审查 all job requirements to ensure that technical requirements can be met, and proper personnel are readily available to accomplish requirements.
  • 如果有不能由车间完成的要求,提醒生产经理,以便通过其他途径来完成要求.
  • 确保所需人员, 材料, and equipment is available to support all ongoing and upcoming projects.
  • 对每个项目进行适当的监督,并按要求配备有知识和经验的贸易工人.
  • 确保所有物料及时领用,确保生产团队能及时完成工作, 高效的方式.
  • 提供适当准确的估计.
  • Ensure reports are submitted with sound technical recommendations, and schedule conflict resolution.
  • Ensure all employees assigned maintain all training and certifications.
  • 完成分配的其他任务.


  • 以最小的方向工作, 独立决定新任务的方法和程序,并为他人提供指导和专业知识.
  • 确定适当的行动, 方法, 技术, 以及通过在确定的实践和政策中行使独立判断来加速结果的评估标准.
  • 遵循有组织的工作方法,但认识到提供服务或产品所需的时间.
  • 愿意在灵活的时间安排下工作.
  • Knowledge of Microsoft Office applications and working experience with spreadsheets.
  • 微软项目知识.
  • 优秀的口头和书面沟通能力.
  • 有效的领导和人际交往能力.


七年或以上海事相关工作经验, shipyard or industrial experience and/or training; or equivalent combination of education 和经验.

  • 机械加工:10年(优先考虑)
  • 监督:5年(优先)


  • 牙齿保险
  • 健康保险
  • 人寿保险
  • 带薪休假
  • 视觉保险



How many years of experience do you have in the role you are applying for?*
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JMR is an Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Employer. JMR的政策是为所有员工和合格的申请人提供平等的就业机会,而不考虑种族, color, 宗教, 国家的起源, 性, 年龄, 身体或精神残疾, 怀孕, 性取向, 性别认同, 变性人身份, 遗传信息, 受保护老兵身份, 在美国军中服役, 或其他受相关法律保护的类别.

If you have questions regarding disability accommodations, please contact the HR department.

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